I don't know about you. But I know that every time try to grasp the idea of Phenomenology I always get lost in the idea of consciousness. I think of it like this. We view objects in the world as concepts. When we look at a tree we see the concept of a tree. The tree is there and so is the world around it. There is grass there but we don't see it. You see a tree.
Then lets say that a bird comes and lands in the tree. Now you are thinking about the bird. Its as though you have transcended the tree. the tree suddenly isn't there or rather, the tree sort of just merges and blends into the idea of the bird. Much like the grass had done when the tree became significant.
Our entire lives are like this. Things come and go and slowly..or quickly for that matter, blend and meld together to make this thing we call a self. The very same concept continues over the span of the world to create history. History, and experience, the witnessing of people and events is what we do. We are the questioners of the universe. We are a function in the universe that allows it to somehow try to understand itself. I know that sounds crazy but I believe with everything I am that it is true.
We may or may not be created by god we may or may not be made in his image. there may or may not be miracles. But the fact that I can sit here and type this is testament to the fact that we are here to do something,either to fulfill a role or perhaps a duty. Life is not meant to be stagnated and without will. We have something to do here on earth. I think that weather or not a god or God himself exists is a completely irrelevant matter.Because if we are fully engaged in life's experiences and as we live life we do what we can to promote and preserve it. (Take care of ourselves and others and the planet,etc) then we have done what is right and if there is a "god" I think you are covered.
I think we have to transcend the idea of God all together. Now when we transcend an idea it is not that we destroy it. it blends and becomes a part something bigger, or more relevant or more real. it makes ourselves more real,more authentic. Is that not what we want? to understand how real we are and what is happening around us? To wonder weather or not there is a god for too long is to be stagnate. We must simply put it to rest. It is IMPERATIVE that we passionately explore ourselves and others and places and things. Because this might be all there is. It could all be over at any moment for any reason. So don't spend time making contingency plans for weather or not there is a god.
If you choose to believe in God don't let his wrath keep you from fulfilling your earthly role. And if you choose not to believe don't let the lack of his existence hollow you out and believe in nothing at all. Both of these things are nihilistic and it is unsatisfying, frustrating, and boring. And you are certain to be miserable. Live aesthetically, live ethically, and live religiously if you like,but be damn sure you live because the alternative is hell.