Hello. My name is Jay McPherson. I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this blog. I've recently been doing some studying of Philosophy and feel compelled to write about it as a way to further understand what it is that I have learned but also for others to read and ponder the questions and problems that have been presented to me throughout life.
I want to take some time here at the beginning of all this to sort of set the stage for what I'll be discussing,The expectations I have of myself while writing this, and also what you as a reader should expect from the information I give.
Who I am: I'm a 29 year old man with lots of questions opinions and interests..I've had some college education..I took some Psych classes and the like. I like lectures. I like science. I like debate. I AM NOT A PHILOSOPHY EXPERT. I am simply seeking knowledge through books and experience and discussion. although I do pride myself on an ability to learn and consider. I love to read both fiction and nonfiction. I am by all accounts an "average joe" hence the the armchair admission.. I hope somehow that this is endearing to what I am trying to do.
My intention as a blogger: My entire purpose for creating this blog is to further my own insight into the study of philosophy. I aim to gain more and more perspective as I continue to write and to consider the world, other people,consciousness,and the like. The expectations I have of myself is to truly consider every point of view that I can while separating my own beliefs, and hang-ups from these things. In other words, nothing is right or wrong it is just simply is for the purposes of consideration and the seeking of knowledge, being looked at as true. If X is true than Y and Z are what follows. and this I think will help me and perhaps you in your own quest for knowledge and perspective.
I would also like to say that while I have every intention of being non-biased and forthright I do nonetheless have an opinion and I will from time to time give that opinion which you are more than welcome as the reader to disagree with. I will try my best to state clearly when I am giving an opinion and when I am simply presenting an actual idea that is fundamental to philosophy and not an opinion of mine that could likely be crackpot and based on lunacy.
As a reader I assume that you have some vested interest in the subject at hand and are a willing participant to sever your own beliefs long enough to look with me at the different positions and points of view that are addressed in Philosophy, And to understand that there is no intent to insult, demean, or hatefully undermine your particular beliefs no matter what they are,although, the undermining of ideas is inevitable as we discuss and the arguments move forward,these will not be malicious attempts to debunk a person.
I am excited to begin and am working hard to get the first edition out. We will do this together and see where it takes us. Be patient and if you have any Ideas I am all ears. Thanks again. and Happy Thinking.