We live in a world where things are always changing. Sometimes we have control over these things and sometimes we don't.But I think in the end, regardless of weather something that comes into our lives is or isn't under our control it is without a doubt our own responsibility to handle these things. While the help of others is usually a welcome addition we nonetheless shoulder our own burdens. It is nobody's responsibility to get a person through a crisis or a difficulty but that person himself. In this aspect we are each completely and utterly alone. This should not be looked upon as a dismal or depressing way of life in which we flounder miserably alone being kicked along by fate and chewed up in the jaws of responsibility and spat to the ground bleeding. It should be an invigorating thought that gives us control over our lives and our ability to make our lives what we want.
The idea is this. We are not fated creatures. We are not on any path that can not be altered. We choose at anytime to do anything we wish. When we let life's happenings depict who we are, we are choosing weather consciously or unconsciously to resign ourselves to fate. But it is imperative that we realize that we made a choice to do this and must therefore accept the consequences of our actions. Every breath we take is a choice. We choose not to breath when we hold our breath. We choose to sit or stand or to hate or love. We choose to fall in love through a series of decisions that lead to the moment when you choose to tell a person "I love you." We have choices always.
There are however things that happen in the world that are out of our control. Nobody chooses cancer. Nobody chooses to be born unto an abusive parent. But it is I think important to notice that when we are dealt these cards or any other cards of so called fate, we have to understand that we have choices within those confines and responsibilities to handle these burdens. It may not be your fault but it is most assuredly your responsibility to bear scars and trials. We wear the results of our decisions like tattoos on our souls.
A great deal of our strife and grief and even guilt has to do largely with our reluctance to accept that our actions lead directly or indirectly to our "fates" no matter what the external circumstances were, was, or will be. When we shoot our mouths off without thinking, we look like fools ( which I am great at). When we don't watch where we are going we run into things (which many people I know are great at). It is simply causality. Its choices. Why even when you make no decision what so ever you have chosen to do just that. But that just leads to stagnation, boredom, and depression.
Do yourself a favor, The next time something annoys you or makes you angry or even something that comes along and really knocks your breath out, really dig down deep inside yourself and ask what choices you had in the matter. If you are honest with yourself,which is very hard to do, you will see that you could have either avoided the situation all together or maybe you could have lessened the blow. And then you find later that instead of looking back to see what you could have done you look forward to see what you can do in the future and prepare for things that might come. Presuppose your enemy,thus is the art of war, debate, and life itself.